We've spent the last few weekends working on the kitchen floor. It is looking great - but still isn't finished. We need to finish cleaning the grout off the top of the tiles. We've scrubbed several times, but there is still some sticking. Does anyone have tips??? Once we get the grout up, we'll have to put the sealant down, and then I can finally have my stove back! We've been stove-less for at least 3 weeks now. It has found its new home in our living room.

I also had a chance to do a maternity session last weekend for a great couple. They were georgous so they made my job easy - and they were so fun too! Enjoy some pics from the session. I had a hard time picking my favorites from the session and still have more to go through - so I just picked a bunch!
Isn't this just the perfect baby belly? The baby, or "Baby" as K and R referred to it (they aren't telling anyone the name until "Baby" is born), was having a party during our session - I could see him kicking through my camera lens!

Aren't they so cute?!?!

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