Albertsons has some good deals going on this week - and after combining them with coupons, you can come out way ahead. Here's what we came home with today for a total of $19.45. According to Alberstons, we had savings of &89.91...but since there is no way I would have paid full price I don't think those savings are 100% accurate.
Now for the goods...If you purchase $30 in qualifying General Mills items (Pillsbury, FiberOne, Betty Crocker, etc) items this week, you get $15 towards your next purchase. We decided to spend the $30 towards qualifying items (before coupons), and then use the $15 towards our next transaction.

Not pictured - Dungeness Crab (about 2 lbs)
Here is our first transaction (item description: original price - coupons used = price paid)
1. 6 Progresso soups (various flavors): $2 each/$12 - $1.10 each/$6.60 = $0.90 each/$5.40
2. Fuze Vitamin Drink: $1.25 - $1.00 = $0.25
3. Green Giant veggie bag - 24 oz: $2.50 - $1.00 = $2.50
4. 2 Green Gian Boxed veggies - 7-10oz: $1.67 each/$3.33 - $0.50 each/$1.00 = $2.33
5. Pillsbury Toaster Strudel: $2.00 - $0.35 = $1.65
6. Fiber One Toaster Pasty: $2 - $1 = $1
7. 2 boxes Fiber One Chewy Bars: $2.50 each/$5 - $1.00 each/$2.00 = $3
8. Fiber One Yogurt (6 pack): $2.50 - $1.00 = $1.50
Total Out of Pocket (including tax) $16.85, and then we received the $15 towards our next purchase!
Two other deals Albertsons had this week were a coupon you could use to double a manufacturers coupon (allowable for 6 manufacturers coupons), and if you purchase 8 PastaRoni or RiceRoni products, you would receive $5 towards a meat/seafood department purchase. We took advantage of both of these deals in our second transaction.
Transaction 2:
1. 3 boxes of Quacker Instant Oatmeal: $2 each/$6 - $1 each/$3 (doubled) - $3 = FREE
2. 4 boxes RiceRoni/PastaRoni: $1.25 each/$5 - $1 off 4 (doubled) - $1 = $3
3. 4 add'l boxes RiceRoni/PastaRoni: $1.25 each/$5 - no coupon = $5
4. 1 box Lipton Herbal Tea: $1.99 - $0.50 (doubled) - $0.50 = $1
5. Dungeness Crab: $7.86 - $5 (RiceRoni deal) = $2.86
6. Bananas: $1.87
7. Hawaiian King Bread Loaf: $3.99 - $1 (doubled) - $1 = $1.99
8. Loaf of bread: $1.89
Total: $17.60 less $15 from previous purchase
Total out of pocket: $2.60
Total from Albertsons on January 11, 2009: $19.45