2.5 weeks until Argentina! Between now and then, we have 2.5 weeks of work, packing, and a weekend visit from my parents! Our trip will be here before we know it.
I keep saying I’m going to post pictures from past trips, but that never happens, so here are a couple from our visit to Lake Titicaca during our Peru trip last year.
This last one obviously isn’t out on the lake, but is in Puno, the Peruvian town that is a major gateway to the lake. Joel and I were out walking through town and there were hundreds of women that had gathered in the central plaza in town, all dressed in their green skirts, these hats, and their blankets full of stuff. They all lined up, stood around for a few minutes, and disbursed again within 20 minutes or so. We were expecting a parade or march or something, but nope, nothing else happened (and of course, if there was someone directing the whole situation, we a) didn’t see that and b) wouldn’t have been able to hear even if we had heard it).